Module puffin::protocol

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  • EvaluatedTerm: have both Codec and a way to extract knowledge out of a Message/OpaqueMessage or any type that might be used in a precomputation
  • Fill knowledges with new knowledge gathered form the type implementing EvaluatedTerm by recursively calling extract_knowledge on all contained element Knowledges can be extracted from using extract_knowledge
  • A non-structured version of ProtocolMessage. This can be used for example for encrypted messages which do not have a structure.
  • Store a flight of opaque messages, a vec of all the messages sent by the PUT between two steps
  • Defines the protocol which is being tested.
  • A structured message. This type defines how all possible messages of a protocol. Usually this is implemented using an enum.
  • Deframes a stream of bytes into distinct OpaqueProtocolMessages.
  • Store a message flight, a vec of all the messages sent by the PUT between two steps
  • Defines the types used to manipulate and concretize Terms