Module puffin::protocol

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Provide a way to extract knowledge out of a Message/OpaqueMessage or any type that might be used in a precomputation
A non-structured version of ProtocolMessage. This can be used for example for encrypted messages which do not have a structure.
Store a flight of opaque messages, a vec of all the messages sent by the PUT between two steps
Defines the protocol which is being tested. The fuzzer is generally abstract over the used protocol. We assume that protocols have opaque messages, structured messages, and a way to deframe an arbitrary stream of bytes into messages.
A structured message. This type defines how all possible messages of a protocol. Usually this is implemented using an enum.
Deframes a stream of bytes into distinct OpaqueProtocolMessages. A deframer is usually state-ful. This means it produces as many messages from the input bytes and stores them.
Store a message flight, a vec of all the messages sent by the PUT between two steps