use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::ExitCode;
use std::{env, fs};
use clap::parser::ValuesRef;
use clap::{arg, crate_authors, crate_name, crate_version, value_parser, Command};
use libafl::inputs::Input;
use crate::agent::AgentName;
use crate::codec::Codec;
use crate::execution::{ForkedRunner, Runner, TraceRunner};
use crate::experiment::*;
use crate::fuzzer::sanitizer::asan::{asan_info, setup_asan_env};
use crate::fuzzer::{start, FuzzerConfig};
use crate::graphviz::write_graphviz;
use crate::log::config_default;
use crate::protocol::{ProtocolBehavior, ProtocolMessage};
use crate::put::PutDescriptor;
use crate::put_registry::{PutRegistry, TCP_PUT};
use crate::trace::{Action, Spawner, Trace, TraceContext};
fn create_app<S>(title: S) -> Command
S: AsRef<str>,
.version(crate::MAYBE_GIT_REF.unwrap_or( crate_version!()))
.arg(arg!(-c --cores [spec] "Sets the cores to use during fuzzing"))
.arg(arg!(-s --seed [n] "(experimental) provide a seed for all clients")
.arg(arg!(-p --port [n] "Port of the broker")
.arg(arg!(-i --"max-iters" [i] "Maximum iterations to do")
.arg(arg!(--minimizer "Use a minimizer"))
.arg(arg!(--tui "Display fuzzing logs using the interactive terminal UI"))
.arg(arg!(--"put-use-clear" "Use clearing functionality instead of recreating puts"))
.arg(arg!(--"no-launcher" "Do not use the convenient launcher"))
Command::new("quick-experiment").about("Starts a new experiment and writes the results out"),
Command::new("experiment").about("Starts a new experiment and writes the results out")
.arg(arg!(-t --title <t> "Title of the experiment"))
.arg(arg!(-d --description <d> "Description of the experiment"))
Command::new("seed").about("Generates seeds to ./seeds"),
.about("Plots a trace stored in a file")
.arg(arg!(<input> "The file which stores a trace"))
.arg(arg!(<format> "The format of the plot, can be svg or pdf"))
.arg(arg!(<output_prefix> "The file to which the trace should be written"))
.arg(arg!(--multiple "Whether we want to output multiple views, additionally to the combined view"))
.arg(arg!(--tree "Whether want to use tree mode in the combined view")),
.about("Executes a trace stored in a file. The exit code describes if more files are available for execution.")
.arg(arg!(<inputs> "The file which stores a trace").num_args(1..))
.arg(arg!(-n --number <n> "Amount of files to execute starting at index.").value_parser(value_parser!(usize)))
.arg(arg!(-i --index <i> "Index of file to execute.").value_parser(value_parser!(usize)))
.arg(arg!(-s --sort "Sort files in ascending order by the creation date before executing")),
.about("Executes traces stored in files.")
.arg(arg!(<inputs> "The file which stores a trace").num_args(1..)),
.about("Serializes a trace as much as possible and output its")
.arg(arg!(<input> "The file which stores a trace"))
.arg(arg!(<output> "The file to write serialized data to")),
.about("Executes a trace against a TCP client/server")
.arg(arg!(<input> "The file which stores a trace"))
.arg(arg!(-c --cwd [p] "The current working directory for the binary"))
.arg(arg!(-b --binary [p] "The program to start"))
.arg(arg!(-a --args [a] "The args of the program"))
.arg(arg!(-t --host [h] "The host to connect to, or the server host"))
.arg(arg!(-p --port [n] "The client port to connect to, or the server port")
pub fn main<S, PB>(title: S, put_registry: PutRegistry<PB>) -> ExitCode
S: AsRef<str>,
PB: ProtocolBehavior + Clone,
let handle = match log4rs::init_config(config_default()) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("error: failed to initialize logging: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
let matches = create_app(title).get_matches();
let first_core = "0".to_string();
let core_definition = matches.get_one("cores").unwrap_or(&first_core);
let port: u16 = *matches.get_one::<u16>("port").unwrap_or(&1337u16);
let static_seed: Option<u64> = matches.get_one("seed").copied();
let max_iters: Option<u64> = matches.get_one("max-iters").copied();
let minimizer = matches.get_flag("minimizer");
let tui = matches.get_flag("tui");
let no_launcher = matches.get_flag("no-launcher");
let put_use_clear = matches.get_flag("put-use-clear");
log::info!("Git Version: {}", crate::GIT_REF);
log::info!("Put Versions:");
for (id, put) in put_registry.puts() {
log::info!("({:?}) {}:", put.kind(), id);
for (component, version) in put.versions().into_iter() {
log::info!(" {}: {}", component, version);
let mut options: Vec<(String, String)> = Vec::new();
if put_use_clear {
options.push(("use_clear".to_string(), put_use_clear.to_string()))
let default_put = PutDescriptor::new(put_registry.default().name(), options);
if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("seed") {
if let Err(err) = seed(&put_registry) {
log::error!("Failed to create seeds on disk: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("plot") {
let output_prefix: &String = matches.get_one("output_prefix").unwrap();
let input: &String = matches.get_one("input").unwrap();
let format: &String = matches.get_one("format").unwrap();
let is_multiple = matches.get_flag("multiple");
let is_tree = matches.get_flag("tree");
if let Err(err) = plot::<PB>(input, format, output_prefix, is_multiple, is_tree) {
log::error!("Failed to plot trace: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("execute") {
let inputs: ValuesRef<String> = matches.get_many("inputs").unwrap();
let index: usize = *matches.get_one("index").unwrap_or(&0);
let mut paths = inputs
.flat_map(|input| {
let input = PathBuf::from(input);
if input.is_dir() {
.expect("failed to read directory")
.map(|entry| entry.expect("failed to read path in directory").path())
.filter(|path| {
} else {
paths.sort_by_key(|path| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("missing trace file {}", path.display()))
let n: usize = *matches.get_one("number").unwrap_or(&paths.len());
let mut end_reached = false;
let lookup_paths = if index < paths.len() {
if index + n < paths.len() {
&paths[index..index + n]
} else {
end_reached = true;
} else {
end_reached = true;
log::info!("execute: found {} inputs", paths.len());
"execute: running on subset [{}..{}] ({} inputs)",
index + n,
let runner = Runner::new(
for path in lookup_paths {
log::info!("Executing: {}", path.display());
execute(&runner, path);
if !lookup_paths.is_empty() {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("missing trace file {}", lookup_paths[0].display()))
if end_reached {
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else {
return ExitCode::SUCCESS;
} else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("execute-traces") {
let inputs: ValuesRef<String> = matches.get_many("inputs").unwrap();
let mut paths = inputs
.flat_map(|input| {
let input = PathBuf::from(input);
if input.is_dir() {
.expect("failed to read directory")
.map(|entry| entry.expect("failed to read path in directory").path())
.filter(|path| {
} else {
paths.sort_by_key(|path| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("missing trace file {}", path.display()))
log::info!("execute: found {} inputs", paths.len());
let runner = Runner::new(
for path in paths {
log::info!("Executing: {}", path.display());
execute(&runner, path);
return ExitCode::SUCCESS;
} else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("binary-attack") {
let input: &String = matches.get_one("input").unwrap();
let output: &String = matches.get_one("output").unwrap();
if let Err(err) = binary_attack(input, output, &put_registry, default_put) {
log::error!("Failed to create trace output: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("tcp") {
let input: &String = matches.get_one("input").unwrap();
let prog: Option<&String> = matches.get_one("binary");
let args: Option<&String> = matches.get_one("args");
let cwd: Option<&String> = matches.get_one("cwd");
let default_host = "".to_string();
let host: &String = matches.get_one("host").unwrap_or(&default_host);
let port = matches
let trace = Trace::<PB::ProtocolTypes>::from_file(input).unwrap();
let mut options = vec![("port", port.as_str()), ("host", host)];
if let Some(prog) = prog {
options.push(("prog", prog))
if let Some(args) = args {
options.push(("args", args))
if let Some(cwd) = cwd {
options.push(("cwd", cwd))
let server = trace.descriptors[0].name;
let put = PutDescriptor::new(TCP_PUT, options);
let runner = Runner::new(
Spawner::new(put_registry).with_mapping(&[(server, put)]),
let mut context = runner.execute(trace).unwrap();
let server = AgentName::first();
let shutdown = context.find_agent_mut(server).unwrap().shutdown();
log::info!("{}", shutdown);
return ExitCode::SUCCESS;
} else {
let experiment_path = if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("experiment") {
let title: &String = matches.get_one("title").unwrap();
let description: &String = matches.get_one("description").unwrap();
let experiments_root = PathBuf::new().join("experiments");
let experiment_path = experiments_root.join(format_title(Some(title), None));
if experiment_path.as_path().exists() {
panic!("Experiment already exists. Consider creating a new experiment.")
if let Err(err) =
write_experiment_markdown(&experiment_path, title, description, &put_registry)
log::error!("Failed to write readme: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("quick-experiment") {
let description = "No Description, because this is a quick experiment.";
let experiments_root = PathBuf::from("experiments");
let title = format_title(None, None);
let mut experiment_path = experiments_root.join(&title);
let mut i = 1;
while experiment_path.as_path().exists() {
let title = format_title(None, Some(i));
experiment_path = experiments_root.join(title);
i += 1;
if let Err(err) =
write_experiment_markdown(&experiment_path, title, description, &put_registry)
log::error!("Failed to write readme: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
} else {
if let Err(err) = fs::create_dir_all(&experiment_path) {
log::error!("Failed to create directories: {:?}", err);
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
let config = FuzzerConfig {
initial_corpus_dir: PathBuf::from("./seeds"),
core_definition: core_definition.to_string(),
corpus_dir: experiment_path.join("corpus"),
objective_dir: experiment_path.join("objective"),
broker_port: port,
stats_file: experiment_path.join("stats.json"),
log_file: experiment_path.join("tlspuffin.log"),
mutation_stage_config: Default::default(),
mutation_config: Default::default(),
if let Err(err) = start::<PB>(&put_registry, config, handle) {
match err {
libafl::Error::ShuttingDown => {
log::info!("\nFuzzing stopped by user. Good Bye.")
_ => {
panic!("Fuzzing failed {err:?}")
fn plot<PB: ProtocolBehavior>(
input: &str,
format: &str,
output_prefix: &str,
is_multiple: bool,
is_tree: bool,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut input_file = File::open(input)?;
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
input_file.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
let trace = postcard::from_bytes::<Trace<PB::ProtocolTypes>>(&buffer)?;
format!("{}_{}.{}", output_prefix, "all", format).as_str(),
.expect("Failed to generate graph.");
if is_multiple {
for (i, subgraph) in trace.dot_subgraphs(true).iter().enumerate() {
let wrapped_subgraph = format!("strict digraph \"\" {{ splines=true; {} }}", subgraph);
format!("{}_{}.{}", output_prefix, i, format).as_str(),
.expect("Failed to generate graph.");
log::info!("Created plots");
fn seed<PB: ProtocolBehavior>(
_put_registry: &PutRegistry<PB>,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
for (trace, name) in PB::create_corpus() {
trace.to_file(format!("./seeds/{}.trace", name))?;
log::info!("Generated seed traces into the directory ./seeds");
fn execute<PB: ProtocolBehavior, P: AsRef<Path>>(runner: &Runner<PB>, input: P) {
let trace = match Trace::<PB::ProtocolTypes>::from_file(input.as_ref()) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
log::error!("Invalid trace file {}", input.as_ref().display());
log::info!("Agents: {:?}", &trace.descriptors);
let status = ForkedRunner::new(runner).execute(trace);
match status {
Ok(s) => log::info!("execution finished with status {s:?}"),
Err(reason) => panic!("failed to execute trace: {reason}"),
fn binary_attack<PB: ProtocolBehavior>(
input: &str,
output: &str,
put_registry: &PutRegistry<PB>,
default_put: impl Into<PutDescriptor>,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let spawner = Spawner::new(put_registry.clone()).with_default(default_put);
let ctx = TraceContext::new(spawner);
let trace = Trace::<PB::ProtocolTypes>::from_file(input)?;
log::info!("Agents: {:?}", &trace.descriptors);
let mut f = File::create(output).expect("Unable to create file");
for step in trace.steps {
match step.action {
Action::Input(input) => {
if let Ok(evaluated) = input.recipe.evaluate(&ctx) {
if let Some(msg) = evaluated.as_any().downcast_ref::<PB::ProtocolMessage>() {
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
msg.create_opaque().encode(&mut data);
f.write_all(&data).expect("Unable to write data");
} else if let Some(opaque_message) = evaluated
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
opaque_message.encode(&mut data);
f.write_all(&data).expect("Unable to write data");
} else {
log::error!("Recipe is not a `ProtocolMessage` or `OpaqueProtocolMessage`!")
Action::Output(_) => {}