Module tlspuffin::static_certs
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openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout bob-key.pem -out bob.pem -days 365 -nodes
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout alice-key.pem -out alice.pem -days 365 -nodes
openssl x509 -outform der -in bob.pem -out bob.der
openssl x509 -outform der -in alice.pem -out alice.der
openssl rsa -outform der -in bob-key.pem -out bob-key.der
openssl rsa -outform der -in alice-key.pem -out alice-key.der
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out random-key.pem
openssl req -new -key random_ec_key.pem -x509 -nodes -days 365 -out random.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in random-key.pem -out random-key.pkcs8 -nocrypt
Certificate for
Private key usually used for the server
Certificate for
Private key usually used for the client
Certificate for
Private key usually which identifies the attacker. This should not be accessible by the attacker
though! Else the security violation gives false-positives!
Certificate for
Random EC (prime256v1) key with no specific use. Encoded using PKCS8.